Zarif: Considerable disagreement exists, but can be solved

Young journalists club

News ID: 5292
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:17 - 15 October 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday evening that the upcoming nuclear talks with global powers can pave the way for a comprehensive deal.

Zarif made the remarks after his working dinner with the First Vice President of the European Commission and leader of the Western group of six powers Catherine Ashton in Vienna.

"In this round of talks, we are investigating ways to end the disagreements. As has been mentioned many times, there are considerable disagreement points, but this does not mean that they cannot be resolved,” the Iranian foreign minister asserted.

He added "It is necessary that we negotiated approaches that are determined and at the same time bear some amount of creativity in order to remove disagreements. But such talks are time-consuming and the approaches may need more talks.”

Zarif added that he and his team will have trilateral meetings with the US Secretary of State John Kerry and Ashton.

"On Thursday also, we will have a meeting with the 5+1 countries at the level of political leaders, since we believe that to reach an approach it is necessary for al 5+1 members to be present,” he maintained.

I have said many times that as long as talks have not reached an outcome, no disagreement is resolved, because these are an interconnected series and it is necessary that we arrive at an outcome on all issues, he pointed out.

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