The US Treasury Department is releasing a shipment of tiles that were supposed to be used to build a mosque in the state of North Virginia but were seized at Dulles International Airport on the pretext of violating US sanctions against Iran.
The news of the release of the shipment was announced through the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which in a letter to the Treasury Department had given to the lawyers of the Manassas Mosque.
"We welcome this decision as an expression of our nation's respect for religious freedom and differences," said Edward Ahmad Michel, deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in a press release. Americans of all religious backgrounds should have access to the symbols of their religion, whatever they may be.
The 750-pound (340kg) tile was a gift from a mosque in Qom to the Virginia Mosque with verses from the Holy Qur'an engraved on it. North Virginia airport customs had previously confiscated tiles sent from Qom under the pretext of Iranian sanctions.