Holding the first meeting of the Energy Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Young journalists club

News ID: 52665
Publish Date: 11:46 - 13 August 2021
Friday, 13 August 2021 (YJC)_ The first meeting of the Energy Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held virtually.

Holding the first meeting of the Energy Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation OrganizationAt the initiative of Tajikistan, which holds the rotating chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the first meeting of the energy ministers of the member states was held virtually.

Tajikistan's Minister of Energy and Water Resources Daler Jumaev said at the opening of the meeting that SCO member states had succeeded in developing energy interactions despite problems with the corona outbreak.

According to him, the space of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a large platform for energy, within the framework of which a high amount of electricity is generated, consumed and transmitted. Therefore, this potential must be fully used to meet the growing needs of the member countries of the organization.

The meeting was attended by officials from relevant ministries and agencies of member countries, including Tajikistan, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the SCO Secretariat.

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