Head of the Iran's Judiciary: There is no ban on the return of Iranians who have gone abroad

Young journalists club

News ID: 52597
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:19 - 09 August 2021
Monday, 9 August 2021 (YJC)_ Referring to the desire of some Iranians living abroad to return home and the concern of some of them about the judicial clashes, the head of the judiciary said: "No Iranian who is an Iranian citizen and is now abroad is prohibited from returning to the country."

Head of the Iran's Judiciary: There is no ban on the return of Iranians who have gone abroadHojatoleslam Mohseni Ejei in this morning's session (Monday, August 9) of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, referring to the desire of some Iranians living abroad to return home and the concern of some of them about the judicial clashes, stated that no Iranian is an Iranian citizen. He is now abroad, there is no ban on returning to the country.

Hojatoleslam Ejei added: "Incidentally, there are cases that if these people come and their issues are addressed here, it will be in their interest and they will get out of the situation of uncertainty."

The head of the judiciary said: "Currently, there are people abroad who do not have property and facilities inside the guardian, and some stakeholders intimidate them to return to the country, but if these people return, their financial problems will be clarified in a thorough investigation."

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