Saturday, 7 August 2021 (YJC)_ On the occasion of Journalist's Day, the General Staff of the Armed Forces announced: The media on the front lines of the fight against soft war have a very heavy mission in raising awareness, dealing intelligently with rumors and suspicions.
In a statement commemorating the 17th of Mordad, the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mahmoud Saremi, the late journalist of the Islamic Republic News Agency, and the Journalist's Day, the General Staff of the Armed Forces called this day a reminder of the militant will of men and women. They represent the truth, enlighten public opinion, promote public culture and lifestyle.
The statement added: "Now, the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, more than security and economic movements, have sought to weaken religious beliefs, blackmail, make the holy system of the Islamic Republic ineffective, incite divisions and mistrust between the nation and the government through mass media propaganda and psychological operations, and by distorting events, they seek to create tension and insecurity in the region.
The statement continued: "The 17th of Mordad is an opportunity to express the importance of the journalistic profession and also to respect the responsibility and tireless efforts of committed journalists who, by properly covering developments and events, have turned the media into a bulwark to defend the country's security and independence."
In the end, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, while congratulating the members of the community of journalists and members of the media and commemorating the martyrs in this field, appreciates the great efforts and services of journalists and all media agents in reflecting the news in the field of defense, security and law enforcement. Due to the importance of the position of the media, the relevant authorities should solve the problems of the ambassadors of media awareness and try to improve the quality of this field.