Snowden joins battle against iPhone photo-scanning plan

Young journalists club

News ID: 52544
Publish Date: 11:34 - 07 August 2021
Saturday, 7 August 2021 (YJC)_Snowden joins battle against iPhone photo-scanning plan as Apple insults privacy activists as ‘screeching voices of the minority’
Snowden joins battle against iPhone photo-scanning planNSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has endorsed a petition against Apple’s plan to scan every iPhone user’s photos, calling it an assault on privacy. The company insisted its intention is only to root out child sexual abuse.

The letter, published on the platform Github on Friday is signed by security and privacy experts, cryptographers, researchers, academics, legal experts and ordinary consumers, united in condemnation of Apple’s “privacy-invasive content scanning technology.”

While acknowledging that efforts to combat child exploitation and abuse are “almost unquestionably well-intentioned,” the signers say that Apple’s proposal to constantly monitor and scan everyone’s photos – and alert authorities if its AI-driven algorithm tags them as criminal – “introduces a backdoor that threatens to undermine fundamental privacy protections for all users of Apple products.”

They warn that the technology has the potential to bypass any end-to-end encryption that would normally safeguard the user's privacy – something Apple has long been promoting as a major feature of its software ecosystem

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