Israel's malign behavior stems from blind Western support: Iran Foreign Ministry

Young journalists club

News ID: 52526
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:08 - 06 August 2021
Friday, 6 August 2021 (YJC)_ Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has censured Israel for threatening Iran with military action following a recent attack on an Israeli-managed tanker in the Sea of Oman, blaming Western countries for Tel Aviv’s “malign behavior.”

Israel's malign behavior stems from blind Western support: Iran Foreign Ministry"In another brazen violation of Int'l law, Israeli regime now blatantly threatens #Iran with military action," Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a Thursday tweet.

The Iranian spokesman blamed the West for Israel's "malign behavior," saying that the regime's conduct was the outcome of Western countries' blind support for Tel Aviv.

Khatibzadeh then warned the Zionist regime and its supporters that "ANY foolish act against Iran will be met with a DECISIVE response."

"Don't test us," Iran's Foreign Ministry admonished Israel.

ensions simmer in the region in the wake of a suspected drone attack last week on the Israeli-managed tanker -- Mercer Street -- off the Omani coast, where two crew members were killed. With no evidence, the United States, Israel and Britain blamed Iran for the incident. Tehran rejects the blame, categorically.

Khatibzadeh’s tweet came after Israeli minister of military affairs, Benny Gantz, earlier in the day called Iran as “a global and regional problem and an Israeli challenge” and expressed Tel Aviv’s readiness to take action against Tehran.

On Wednesday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)’s chief commander Major General Hossein Salami sternly warned the enemies, especially Israel, against issuing threats against Iran, reminding them that the Islamic Republic’s reaction to any act of aggression will be crushing.

“The enemies who have been speaking, these days, with a language of threats about the Islamic Republic’s establishment, particularly the usurping Zionist regime, must develop an understanding of the realities about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s and the IRGC’s defense and offense power,” said Salami.

“Under our defense policies and strategies, there is no action by any enemy, anywhere, and on any scale that will be tolerated and will not have us react harshly and firmly.”

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