Boroujerdi pointed to ISIL movements in Syria and Iraq and stated "The US and allies in the region have contributed to the formation of the current state of affairs since four years ago by supporting terrorist actions in Syria.”
Asserting that the US-led coalition against ISIL is a mere show he said "The US and its regional allies are not serious enough in their fight against ISIL.”
De Villepin in turn expressed worry over recent actions by the ISIL and stressed Iran’s strategic role in the security of the Middle East.
Regional crises cannot be coped with without recognizing the role of Iran, he asserted.
The French PM added "We must use Iran’s capabilities in containing regional crises from Palestine and Lebanon to Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Regarding Iran’s nuclear negotiations with Western powers also the two exchanged remarks.
The Iranian MP said that Iran has so far done everything in its power to make its nuclear program transparent in order to gain the confidence of the Western countries, while they abandoned many of their obligations toward the country.
In such circumstances the prospects of a coming agreement
appear dim, he noted.
De Villepin in return said "I hope that the negotiations reach the desired result soon and that the outcome of the initial agreement leads to a comprehensive deal with the efforts of both sides.”