Russian military purchases the first 10 sets of S-500 capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles

Young journalists club

News ID: 52444
Publish Date: 22:55 - 31 July 2021
Saturday ,31 July 2021 (YJC)_ Russian Ministry of Defense signed the contract with the company for the first batch of S-500 air defense and anti-missile systems to boost its readiness.

Russian military purchases the first 10 sets of S-500 capable of intercepting hypersonic missilesA source at the Russian company Almaz-Antey said that the Russian Ministry of Defense signed the contract with the company for the first batch of S-500 air defense and anti-missile systems, and mass deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022. Earlier on July 20, S-500 successfully intercepted a ballistic missile target during a test fire. Russian media have mentioned that S-500 has the ability to intercept hypersonic missiles. If it is true, it will be the world’s first hypersonic weapon defense system to be put into service. The first set will be deployed in the Moscow region.

The Russian S-500 launch vehicle for the latest air defense and anti-missile system.Russian Ministry of Defense map

According to TASS News Agency’s report on July 29, the source said that the Russian Ministry of Defense and the “Diamond-Antai” company signed a contract to deliver more than 10 sets of S-500 “Prometheus” air defense systems to the Russian Aerospace Forces. . Volume shipments will begin in the first half of 2022.

The source also revealed that “the national test of S-500 is currently being carried out at a test site in southern Russia” and the test is expected to end by the end of 2021. The current S-500 air defense systems are all land-based models, “if necessary, it can be used on naval vessels.”

The TASS news agency reported earlier that the Russian Ministry of Defense stated on July 20 that the new-generation air defense and anti-missile system S-500 had undergone a combat launch test at the Kapustin Yar range and successfully hit a fast-moving ballistic (missile) target. After the entire test cycle is completed, the first S-500 system will be distributed to the air defense and anti-missile forces in the Moscow region.

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