American pastor says US socio-political frameworks not free of racial discrimination

Young journalists club

News ID: 5243
Publish Date: 22:14 - 07 October 2014
Tehran, YJC. Activist says the US police kill a black person every 28 hours.
American pastor, historian, and human rights activist Randy Short in interview with Fars news agency said that racial discrimination is an integral part of the US constitution.

In dealing with African-Americans, the US government violates human rights in an organized way, he said, adding "Every 28 hours, a black is killed by US police.”

He stated "This is wrong to think that America is a heaven for various races, it’s no more than a mere lie. We face lots of problems every day created by non-white races in the US. The Ferguson event was an explosion that followed decades of oppression.”

"The US regulations are written in a way that they recognize no right for African-Americans, something that can count as an off-record war announcement against the black in the US,” he said.

Further explaining about the US governmental plans against the black he said "US statesmen have started a cowardly war against the black. An example of this is the FBI anti-espionage plan named COINTELPRO which is a project that aims the assassination and eradication of black organizations that fight for freedom. Right now we have a lot of people who have been imprisoned for their campaigns to defend black rights in the American society.”

After the September 11 event more than five thousand were killed, a major part of which were black, Short maintained.

Obama is no African-American. He’s just black. Obama comes from a family which had a hand in CIA intelligence activities. He is no human rights activist and does nothing for the black in Chicago. He has risen to power to fight all non-whites in the US and around the globe.

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