Ilhan Omar's proposal to suspend US aid to Tunisia

Young journalists club

News ID: 52403
Publish Date: 14:57 - 28 July 2021
Wednesday,28 July 2021 (YJC)_ A member of the US House of Representatives has called for a blockade of US security aid to Tunisia if the president does not back down.

Ilhan Omar's proposal to suspend US aid to Tunisia"If we believe in democracy and human rights, we must strongly condemn the current attack on democracy in Tunisia, the heart of the Arab Spring," said Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota and Somalia.
He added: "If Tunisian President Qais Saeed does not change course, we must suspend all security assistance in accordance with the law."
Omar also stated that he would submit a bill to Congress that would make it illegal to equip human rights violators with American weapons.

usa ، tunisia ، aid
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