Giuliani son gets no votes from Republican leaders in bid for New York governor

Young journalists club

News ID: 52118
Publish Date: 22:16 - 29 June 2021
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 (YJC) _ Andrew Giuliani, who has traded off his surname, embarrassed by poll that indicates Lee Zeldin will challenge Andrew Cuomo.

Giuliani son gets no votes from Republican leaders in bid for New York governorAndrew Giuliani, son of former New York mayor-cum-Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, received no votes in a poll of state Republican leaders about the party’s next choice for governor of New York state.

The poll was not binding but it indicated that Lee Zeldin, a Long Island congressman, is the presumptive Republican nominee to challenge Andrew Cuomo next year.

It will likely be seen as an embarrassment to Giuliani, whose bid for governor of one of America’s biggest states has largely traded off his famous surname more than any meaningful experience of practical politics.

In a tweet, the New York Republican party said: “Our county chairs and committee members gathered in Albany just participated in a straw poll on their favored gubernatorial candidate in 2022.

“Congressman Lee Zeldin [got] 85%, former Westchester county executive Rob Astorino [got] 5% and Abstain [got] 10% #cuomosgottago.”

Michael Carpinelli, the Lewis county sheriff, joined Giuliani in getting no votes.

Zeldin is closely aligned with the Trumpist wing of the national Republican party. In January he was one of 147 Republicans in Congress who backed attempts to overturn electoral college results.

Despite the result of the straw poll, Giuliani trumpeted the results of a survey commissioned by his own campaign, which put him eight points clear of Zeldin.

“Proud to be the FAVORITE of The 2.9 Million Registered New York Republicans!!!” he tweeted. “We are the Peoples Candidate!!!!!! Together WE WILL TAKE DOWN Andrew Cuomo on 8 November 2022.”

His poll surveyed 587 Republicans statewide.

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