Iranian Leader receives domestic coronavirus Vaccine

Young journalists club

News ID: 52072
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:04 - 25 June 2021
Friday, 25 June 2021 (YJC) _Iranian Supreme Leader received the first dose of COV-Iran Barekat vaccine.

Iranian Leader receives domestic coronavirus VaccineLeader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received on Friday the first dose of COV-Iran Barekat vaccine.

“I was being urged to use vaccine earlier,” he said while adding that “I was not eager to use non-Iranian vaccines. I said I would wait so the God willing the vaccine will be produced inside the country and I use our own vaccine.”

He also called it a national pride that Iranian people should truly admire and urged producers to publish the scientific results of the vaccines in international papers.

He finally added that “If required, there is no problem for using foreign vaccines alongside Iran-made ones,” while noting that “The Iranian vaccine and young scientists should be respected.”

Head of Execution of Imam Khomeini Order (EIKO) Mohammad Mokhber and Health Minister Saeed Namaki were also present when the Leader received the vaccine.

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