10 killed and injured in shooting on Chicago

Young journalists club

News ID: 52018
Publish Date: 23:09 - 12 June 2021
Saturday, 12 June 2021 (YJC) _ Police said 1 killed, 9 injured in shooting on Chicago's South Side.

10 killed and injured in shooting on ChicagoOne woman was killed and nine others were wounded after a shooting on Chicago's South Side early Saturday morning, police say.

Police are looking for two shooters they say are responsible for killing the woman, a 29-year-old, in the Chatham neighborhood just after 2 a.m., CBS Chicago reports.

"I looked down, and next thing I know I hear a 'bop bop bop' and looked up at the crowd and saw people scattering," witness Eboni Watson said. "Then I seen like two people hit the floor."

Watson caught the shooting on camera during a Facebook Live she started seconds before the first shot went off.

She said this time last year she herself was the victim of a drive-by shooting.

"At that moment I just thought about when I got shot, and when I got shot I covered up a child. So my instant thing was to make sure that baby was safe, but this time I'm not going to lie I didn't think about nobody else. It was more so my sake."

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