Putin First stretch of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline completed

Young journalists club

News ID: 51972
Publish Date: 17:38 - 04 June 2021
Friday, 4 June 2021 (YJC) _ Russian President reveals that first stretch of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline completed on Friday morning.

Putin First stretch of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline completedWork on the first core section of a controversial underwater energy pipeline linking Siberia’s gas fields to Western Europe has already been completed, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday in a surprise announcement.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Putin said “I am pleased to say that today, just two-and-a-half-hours ago, we have completed laying the pipes for the first section of Nord Stream 2, and works are advancing on the second segment.”

“The gas pipeline, including the segment under the sea, has already been completed,” the president added. “There are two sections, from the German side and the Russian side – they have to be welded – and then it will be finished.”

The base station, he revealed, is “ready” to pump gas into Nord Stream 2 and begin supplying consumers in compliance with tough environmental standards. “We are willing to further implement high-tech projects like this with our European partners and partners elsewhere,” Putin declared.

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