Al Alam further reported that 65 armed men from the terrorist ISIL group surrendered to the Iraqi forces.
Also, on Monday, the soldiers launched mop-up operations in the province of Diyala and managed to drive the terrorists out of 16 villages there, according to a report released by Press TV on Tuesday morning.
The army also diffused explosive devices planted by the Takfiris following clashes which killed more than 100 of them, the report goes.
According to reports, the soldiers captured two dozen vehicles from the ISIL.
The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control over large swaths of Syria and Iraq.
They have ordered all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Izadi Kurds to convert to their harsh beliefs or die.
A late-coming US-led coalition against the terrorist group has launched airstrikes on their positions in Iraq and Syria, but many, including Iran, believe that these attacks are not likely to help the situation.
There are also suspicions that the attacked are rather aimed at weakening Syria's governmental positions, witnessed by haphazard attacks sometimes directed at governmental facilities.