Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 5176
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:17 - 28 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of the most important news stories in Iran’s journals today.


-       Science Ministry caretaker: 1600 scholarships not binding legally

-       Iranian women win 1st gold in arrow shooting, 1st medal in track and field

-       Following 7th round of Iran-5+1 negotiations: Talks may be given time extension


-       President in New York press conference outlines Iran’s 3 conditions for nuclear deal


-       Nuclear negotiations end without progress

Jomhouri Eslami

-       US, world’s real virus

-       Iran oil production increases by 128 thousand bbl in year’s first 6 months


-       President: Negotiations made little progress


-       Rouhani: There is limit to Iran’s flexibility


-       Iran national Oil Company Director of International Affairs: No sanctions were lifted from oil industry

Iran Daily

- G77, China condemn unilateral anti-Iran sanctions


- President: Nuclear agreement with G5+1 will be conditional

Iran News

- Tourism attraction can steer the country out of recession

Financial Tribune

- Rial loses, gold gains

Tehran Times

- Deal must include enrichment, lifting of all sanctions: Rouhani

Kayhan International

- Little progress made in nuclear talks


- Commander: Iran gives military consultations to Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians

iran ، press ، review
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