EU willing to discuss COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver

Young journalists club

News ID: 51715
Publish Date: 13:04 - 06 May 2021
Thursday, 06 May 2021(YJC)_ Von der Leyen announced WU is willing to discuss COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver.

EU willing to discuss COVID-19 vaccine patent waiverThe European Union is willing to discuss a proposal, now backed by the United States, to waive intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said on Thursday.

"The EU is also ready to discuss any proposals that addresses the crisis in an effective and pragmatic manner," she said in a speech to the European University Institute in Florence.

"That's why we are ready to discuss how the U.S. proposal for a waiver on intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines could help achieve that objective."

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