Russia says ready to share ideas on how to restart Mideast peace talks

Young journalists club

News ID: 51698
Publish Date: 9:22 - 06 May 2021
Thursday, 06 May 2021_Russian and Palestinian foreign ministers have held talks in Moscow to discuss the latest developments in the Palestinian territories. During the meeting, Russia's top diplomat expressed his country's readiness to prepare the ground for resolving all fundamental final-status issues between Israel and Palestinians.

Russia says ready to share ideas on how to restart Mideast peace talksRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Moscow is ready to share its ideas on how to restart the negotiations on the Middle East peace process.

He made the statement in a meeting with his Palestinian counterpart Riad al-Maliki in Moscow.

He also announced Russia's position about the need to hold a four-party ministerial meeting with the participation of the "Quartet" of international mediators as soon as possible.

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