There was no need for talks if the issue at hand was solely for the US to return to the nuclear deal

Young journalists club

News ID: 51646
Publish Date: 14:22 - 03 May 2021
Monday, 03 May 2021_Despite having previously agreed to lift the nuclear sanctions on Iran the US reneged by imposing further sanctions, under the guise of alleged support by Iran for terrorism and human rights violations, barring American citizens and companies from investment or trade with Tehran.

There was no need for talks if the issue at hand was solely for the US to return to the nuclear dealThe US Treasury Department's Office of Financial Assets Control "has made it very clear that no payments linked to Iran may be processed through the US financial system," so if you receive money from Iran as a bank or a company, "you must make sure that this money does not then go to the US or to a US bank or to your US subsidiary."

With such sanctions in place, it is difficult for Iran to reap the benefits of the JCPOA, which was supposed to alleviate the economic pressure of Iran and the general population, who have been the hardest hit by this blatant example of US hypocrisy.

The JCPOA or Iran nuclear deal negotiations are under way in Vienna between Iran and the P4+1 without the US, with the Europeans using shuttle diplomacy with the US.

What has been the outcome of the talks? That is one of the key questions which come to mind, and here are two simple ways of looking at it.

First "some progress has been made but there's still some way to go". That is something that we keep hearing time and again.

Well, the second is an even harsher one, which we don't hear so often, "almost nothing".

That almost sounds like the talks are at an impasse. Well, the issue of sanctions appears to be the major sticking point, with the US concocting its own version of what sanctions should be lifted and probably when they should be lifted.

For example, Iran has demanded that the US remove an enormous 1600 or so sanctions which were imposed on Iran after Trump pulled out of the accord. 

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