Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Army Commander Major General Pourdastan said on Wednesday that Iran offers its military knowhow to the Kurd fighters of Iraq.
Pourdastan said "When the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant
(ISIL) started its advancements, unfortunately it made use of surprises and
managed to engage 5 Iraqi provinces, advancing so far to approach Iranian
borders and the town of Jalula.”
He maintained that the Iranian Army observed the entire ISIL
movements in the period. Praising Iraq’s ayatollah Sistani he said "We had to
see that following ayatollah Sistani’s fatwa, as public forces came to the
ground, ISIL is setting back on a daily basis.”
Pointing to a statement by Iraqi Kurdistan officials that Iran
had entered the town of Jalula, Pourdastan said "We have engaged in training
cooperation with Iraq, but there is no intrusion. We provide them with our
He also pointed to the US-led coalition against ISIL and
said "The coalition which is being led by the US is a strategic turnabout by
the US. The US has realized that ISIL cannot be effective as it should be in
order to put their demands to action. That is why it has devised a new strategy
for the region and it intends to make a better footing for itself.”