IRGC, Army closely monitoring movements in Persian Gulf: Iranian Cmdr.

Young journalists club

News ID: 51607
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:18 - 01 May 2021
Saturday, 01 May 2021_A senior Iranian commander says the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Army are authoritatively monitoring the enemy’s every movements and ships entering the Persian Gulf.

IRGC, Army closely monitoring movements in Persian Gulf: Iranian Cmdr."Today, every ship entering the Persian Gulf will be monitored in accordance with the bandwidth control code in the Strait of Hormuz, and has to identify itself,” said Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the IRGC Navy, on Friday.

He added that Iran plays an important role in the geopolitical and strategic region of the Persian Gulf and the Makran coasts of the Sea of Oman.

“The Islamic Republic does not only have military presence in this region but also in various economic, political and even cultural sectors in national and international arenas."

The IRGC commander described the Persian Gulf as the “engine of economic development and growth of Asian and European countries and the important and strategic axis of sea, air and commercial transportation among different countries."

Tangsiri said the rich and resourceful nature of the region with its strategic and geopolitical position is grounds for the illegitimate presence of some Western powers and foreign countries.

The IRGC Navy commander said in January that Iran is in full control of the Persian Gulf region and monitors all movements by extraregional forces that are present in these waters.

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