California man died after police held him

Young journalists club

News ID: 51562
Publish Date: 22:16 - 28 April 2021
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 (YJC)_ Police video shows California man died after police held him.

California man died after police held himPolice in the Northern California city of Alameda released body cam footage late Tuesday that shows officers pinning a man to the ground for more than five minutes during an arrest last week that ended in his death.

Mario Gonzalez, 26, stopped breathing after an April 19 scuffle with police at a park in Alameda. A police statement said Gonzalez had a medical emergency after officers tried to handcuff him. His family contends he was killed by police who used excessive force.

The nearly hourlong video from two officers' body cameras shows police talking to Gonzalez in a park after receiving 911 calls that he appeared to be disoriented or drunk. Gonzalez seems dazed and struggles to answer questions.

When Gonzalez doesn't produce any identification, the officers try to force his hands behind his back to handcuff him but he resists and they take him to the ground.

One officer also appears to put a knee on his back and leaves it there for about four minutes as Gonzalez gasps for air, saying "I didn't do nothing, OK?"

Gonzalez’s protests appear to weaken and after about five minutes he seems to lose consciousness.

Gonzalez left a 4-year-old son and also was the main caretaker of his 22-year-old brother, who has autism, his family said.

The three officers involved in the arrest have been placed on paid leave during the investigation.

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