Russia drawing up list of unfriendly states, US is among them

Young journalists club

News ID: 51531
Publish Date: 23:43 - 25 April 2021
Sunday, 25 April 2021 (YJC)_ Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman announced that Russia is drawing up list of unfriendly states and US is among them.

Russia drawing up list of unfriendly states, US is among themRussia has launched an effort on creating the list of unfriendly states, which are banned from hiring Russian citizens for work in the diplomatic missions, and the United States is among them, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"As you know, yesterday the decree of President [Vladimir Putin] was published, which contains a whole number of measures on fulfilling the already existing federal laws, under which those states, which are declared unfriendly, cannot hire Russian citizens as staff for their diplomatic and consular missions.”

"You will find out about the other states as soon as the government’s decree is published and the respective list emerges," she noted.

Zakharova stressed that the president’s decree was a retaliatory measure against other countries’ hostile steps.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Friday on countermeasures to unfriendly actions of foreign states. Under the document, diplomatic missions, consular institutions and offices of government institutions of foreign countries acting in an unfriendly manner against Russia, Russian nationals or legal entities will face restrictions, or even a complete ban, if necessary, in terms of employing Russian nationals.

The government is tasked to define number of individuals that can be employed by foreign missions. ".

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