French Police Killer Watched Jihadist Videos Before Attack

Young journalists club

News ID: 51526
Publish Date: 21:25 - 25 April 2021
Sunday, 25 April 2021 (YJC)_ France's anti-terrorism prosecutor said that Police killer watched jihadist videos before attack.

French Police Killer Watched Jihadist Videos Before AttackThe Tunisian national who killed a police administrative worker last Friday near Paris had watched religious videos glorifying acts of jihad just before carrying out his attack, said France's anti-terrorism prosecutor Jean-Francois Ricard.

The murder has shocked France, which faces a presidential election next year at which issues such as fears over terrorist attacks, immigration and violent crime will dominate the agenda.

Ricard told a news conference on Sunday that the official investigation had shown that the assailant, identified as "Jamel G", looked at the videos on his phone just before his knife attack on the police worker, a mother-of-two called Stephanie.

"The attacker, just before carrying out his act, had looked at religious chants and videos glorifying jihad and martyrdom," said Ricard, who added that the assailant had also shouted out "Allahu Akbar", or "God is Greatest", during the attack.

Stephanie died from stab wounds, while Jamel G was subsequently shot dead by police after the attack at a police station in Rambouillet, a commuter suburb south of Paris.

French President Emmanuel Macron said last Friday, in reaction to the killing in Rambouillet, that France had again been the victim of a terrorist attack.

Ricard said France was working with Tunisian authorities in its probe into the Rambouillet attack. The Tunisian Embassy in Paris condemned the attack, in a statement issued this weekend.

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