Iran rejects sequential lifting of sanctions; says bans must fully be removed: Informed source

Young journalists club

News ID: 51462
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:07 - 21 April 2021
Wednesday, 21 April 2021_An informed source has told Press TV that Iran does not accept the sequential lifting of sanctions in the ongoing talks on the revival of 2015 nuclear deal and the bans must be removed altogether.

Iran rejects sequential lifting of sanctions; says bans must fully be removed: Informed sourceThe source said on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic would by no means settle for the suspension, easing or extending waiver of sanctions and that the bans should entirely be removed.

The informed source told Press TV that a one-week verification of lifting anti-Iran bans is not possible and it takes between three and six months to verify the lifting of sanctions.

Iran warned earlier in the day that Tehran would stop participation in talks with the co-signatories to the 2015 nuclear as soon as the discussions underway in the Austrian capital, Vienna, stray from the right path and move toward excessive demands and killing time.

Speaking after the latest round of the talks in Vienna, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said the discussions are “progressive” despite “the existing difficulties” facing the diplomatic process aimed at reviving the nuclear agreement, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Iran’s top negotiator reiterated Tehran’s position on the future of the landmark agreement and said the Iranian delegation to the talks would stop the negotiations if they move toward “excessive demands, wasting time and irrational bargaining.”

The United States, under former president Donald Trump, left the JCPOA in May 2018 and restored the economic sanctions that the accord had lifted in addition to imposing new non-nuclear ones. Tehran returned the non-commitment of the US to the deal with remedial nuclear measures that it is entitled to take under the JCPOA’s Paragraph 36.

After a change of administration in the US, new President Joe Biden has claimed that Washington is ready to rejoin the deal.

The Islamic Republic has insisted that it would only stop its adherence to the JCPOA paragraph once the US lifted all the sanctions in one step and after Iran has verified that the sanctions relief has actually taken place.

The US so far failed to meet Iran’s condition.

The diplomatic process began in Vienne on April 6 aimed at ending the dispute over the JCPOA.

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