Iranian religious minorities in full freedom

Young journalists club

News ID: 5140
Publish Date: 14:54 - 23 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Religious minority representatives to the Majlis have met the German ambassador to Tehran.

Religious minority representatives to the Majlis Karen Khanlari, Yonatan Betkolia, Esfandyar Ekhtiari, and Robert Biglarian met the German Ambassador to Tehran Michael Baron von Ungern-Sternberg in the Iranian capital on Monday, Islamic Consultative News Agency reports.

In the beginning of the meeting, Khanlari, representative of the Armenians of Tehran and northern Iran, pointed to the ups and downs in the history of Iran-Germany relations and said "Despite unjust Western sanctions, the Islamic Republic of Iran moves on the road to scientific and tech-oriented advancements, meanwhile enjoying the respect-based cooperation of other countries such as Germany.”

Hinting at records of friendly cohabitation of Iranians from different faiths he said "The minorities recognized by the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoy full freedom in holding their religious observances, thanks to the historical record of relations among the Muslim majority of the Iranian society under the Islamic teachings.”

He also pointed to terrorist acts of ISIL and other similar groups carried out in the name of religion and said "The province of divine religions is free of the massacre of innocent people. Terrorist groups such as ISIL are but political tools created by world powers by which to gain their objectives.”

Also in the meeting, Betkolia, the Assyrian representative, Ekhtiari, Zoroastrian representative, and Biglarian, representative of the Armenians of Isfahan and southern Iran, each provided comments on relations among religious majorities, the powers given to minority representatives to the Majlis, the way they are chosen, and the ways and means of creating friendly atmosphere for minorities to live in peace and understanding.

The German ambassador in turn said that his country is willing to expand cooperation with Iran in various sections.

"We hope that through the deal in nuclear negotiations between Iran and 5+1, obstacles to cooperation are lifted and relations between the two countries are boosted,” he added.

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