Iranian MP warns Rouhani not to sympathize with Obama

Young journalists club

News ID: 5128
Publish Date: 13:09 - 22 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Zakani says the US is the world’s bully and Iran should not be kind to it.

Tehran representative to the Majlis Alireza Zakanki on Sunday said "In his trip to New York last year, the president conducted very desirable meetings and did a lot of activities, but there were also some extra actions. The immature meeting with John Kerry and phone conversation with Obama were among these.”
The US is the pole of the world’s domineers. It seeks globalization and will commit all sorts of crime to do that. It is the source for governmental and non-governmental terrorism, Zakani said.

Last year Iran and the US held talks for the nuclear issue and also to get a new sense of talks with the US, but as the talks were concluded, the enemy turned bolder than before, the MP stated.

He added "Last year when the president met us he said that he had made the phone call to Obama out of compassion for him and under the humility the US president had undergone in that trip. But the president knows better that last year the will of the US president and his diplomatic system were disdained by our president, government, and nation.”

We ask the president not to mingle his personal sentiments with the country’s diplomatic relations as representing the Iranian people, he stated.

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