Tehran, YJC. Shooting Federation says Western economic sanctions have had a direct impact on the Iranian national team.
Director of Iran Shooting Federation Mehdi Hashemi speaking
in the sidelines of the Asian Games 2014 in Incheon, South Korea said that
Western sanctions have restricted the Iranian team’s ability to train properly.
"Sanctions have turned into an obstacle for the kids’
trainings. On the other side we have to buy arms and ammunition for twice its
original price,” he said.
Hashemi added "In many training camps they would exercise
without bullets whereas a shoot has to shoot 250 to 1000 shots a day.”
In Gwanju games we were told that we would be able to
upgrade our weapons but it has not happened yet and we have not received the
weapons yet, he added.
For the Asian Games the kids couldn’t even get their shooting
clothes. And the reason for that was that they were too expensive.