China calls on Biden to reverse Trump's 'dangerous practice' on Taiwan

Young journalists club

News ID: 50921
Publish Date: 23:05 - 07 March 2021
Sunday, 07 March 2021 (YJC)_ China's foreign minister is calling on President Biden to reverse the policies of former President on Taiwan.

China calls on Biden to reverse Trump's 'dangerous practice' on TaiwanChina's foreign minister is calling on President Biden to reverse the policies of former President Trump and distance the U.S. from Taiwan.

The Associated Press reports that foreign minister Wang Yi made the comments at a press conference on Sunday in which he warned that the Trump administration's policies showing support for Taiwan's independent government amounted to "playing with fire," and urged Biden to reverse them.

"The Chinese government has no room for compromise,” he said.

“We urge the new U.S. administration to fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue” and “completely change the previous administration’s dangerous practices of ‘crossing the line’ and ‘playing with fire,’” Wang continued, according to the AP.

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