Trump returns to political scene with CPAC speech

Young journalists club

News ID: 50814
Publish Date: 11:33 - 01 March 2021
Monday, 01 March 2021_Former US President Donald Trump has reemerged via a speech at the nation’s biggest annual gathering of grassroots conservatives.

Trump returns to political scene with CPAC speechTrump delivered the remarks on the final day of the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday.

Trump was determined to reassert his dominance over the GOP to boost his prospects of another run in 2024.

Trump delivered the remarks on the final day of the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday.

Trump was determined to reassert his dominance over the GOP to boost his prospects of another run in 2024.

The former president further attacked President Joe Biden for the crisis caused by a storm in Texas as well  as the new administration’s immigration policy.

Trump treated CPAC like one of his campaign rallies, bragging about his performance while undermining Biden’s.

The GOP 2020 nominee who officially lost the “stolen” election to Biden vowed to take on him in 2024

He also complained about Biden’s reversal of his policies such as a travel ban on people from some Muslim- majority countries, through executive orders.

Trump slammed Biden for lifting sanctions on Iran, although has has not done so yet.

The billionaire businessman claimed that if he d won, “We would have a deal with Iran within the first week.”

During his administration, Trump unilaterally withdrew from the internationally backed nuclear deal with Iran and began a "maximum pressure" campaign, which failed to bear any results for Washington.


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