Saudi claims Yemeni ballistic missile launched against Riyadh

Young journalists club

News ID: 50801
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:09 - 28 February 2021
Sunday, 28 February 2021_Saudi Arabia claims the Yemeni armed forces have launched a missile attack against Riyadh and a drone attack against a southern Saudi province.

Saudi claims Yemeni ballistic missile launched against RiyadhRiyadh on Saturday claimed that its defense systems have intercepted the missile attack over its capital and the bomb-laden drones targeting Jizan province.

The Saudi-led military coalition, which has waged a devastating war on Yemen since 2015, claimed Ansarullah movement had launched a ballistic missile toward Riyadh and three booby-trapped drones toward the province of Jizan, with a number of other drones being monitored.

No casualties or damages were initially reported by Saudis. The Houthis have not yet commented on the alleged strikes.

Minutes before Saudi Arabia's confirmation, social media users had reported hearing the sound of an explosion in Riyadh.

The attack comes amid sharply rising tensions in the Middle East, a day after an explosion struck an Israeli-owned ship in the Sea of Oman, for which no one has claimed responsibility so far.

The Saudi state-owned Al-Ekhbariya TV posted footage of what appeared to be explosions in the air over Riyadh.

Social media users also posted videos, with some showing residents shrieking as they watched the fiery blast streaking the night sky, which appeared to be the kingdom’s US Patriot missile batteries intercepting the ballistic missile.

The Saudi-led coalition has faced widespread international criticism for airstrikes in Yemen that have killed hundreds of civilians and hit non-military targets, including schools, hospitals and wedding parties.

US President Joe Biden announced this month he was ending US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, including “relevant” arms sales.

Back in September, Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree said Yemeni forces will keep up their retaliatory raids against sensitive and strategic targets on Saudi soil as long as Riyadh and its allies fail to end their military campaign and siege against Yemen.

“We promise the criminal and aggressor Saudi regime painful operations as long as the aggression and siege continues,” the military official said.

His comments came after the Yemeni armed forces launched missile and drone strikes against a strategic target in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Since early 2015, Riyadh and a coalition of its vassal states have been engaged in the military campaign against Yemen in a futile attempt to reinstall a Saudi-friendly government there.

The Western-backed war, which has been accompanied by a crippling blockade of Yemen, has killed tens of thousands of people and afflicted the already-poorest Arabian Peninsula nation with the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” according to the UN.

Backed by the armed forces and allied popular groups, the Ansarullah movement has been defending Yemen against the Saudi-led aggression, preventing the invaders from achieving their goals of war.

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