Tehran, YJC. Nuclear official says Russia is contracted to build Iran two power plants.

The power plants will produce at least 1000 MW electric
energy and will include water freshener.
Speaking to Al Alam channel on Monday, Behrooz Kamalvandi, Deputy
Head of Iran Atomic Energy Organization , said that the power plants will be
built next to the existing one in Bushehr.
"Trade considerations have been made. Technical considerations
are also being accomplished. There are one or two legal points and I think that
in the coming weeks we will reach the final result,” he said.
Kamalvandi asserted "We expect that within the current Christian
year we will be able to sign the contract, protocol, and MoU and the various
side contracts and to start the construction of the two power plants.”
Regarding the cost of the construction he said that
negotiations are nearly over, adding that the power plants will be "pretty much
like the existing one in Bushehr in technical terms, but with more
complementary and modern additions as well as water freshener.”
He maintained that the water fresheners will help procure
water for agriculture in the country’s southern areas.
He then added that it is expected that the building of the
power plants will take from 5 to 7 years.