Next fiscal’s budget bill outlines were approved by Iranian Parl.

Young journalists club

News ID: 50620
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:26 - 16 February 2021
Tuesday, 16 February 2021 (YJC)_ The Iranian lawmakers have approved next fiscal’s budget bill outlines.

Next fiscal’s budget bill outlines were approved by Iranian Parl.During the Parliament’s open session on Tuesday, the Iranian lawmakers have approved next fiscal’s budget bill outlines.

The amendment to the new fiscal year was handed to the Parliament on Monday and today the legislators cast 211 votes for and 28 votes against the bill, while 6 abstained from voting.

Earlier in February, the Parliament rejected the general outlines of the budget bill and the legislators said the government needed to reform the bill and submit it to Parliament again.

In the fiscal 2021-22 budget, the operating budget was projected to stand at 8,413 trillion rials ($32.35 billion at the market exchange rate of 260,000 rials per dollar).

The budget of state companies, banks and for-profit organizations was put at 15,619 trillion rials while the budget for ministries and governmental institutions worth 884 trillion rials (around $3.8 billion) take the total sum of the general budget to 9,298 trillion rials (around $36 billion).

The ceiling set for the government’s total budget was set at 24,357 trillion rials (around $105 billion).

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