Bahraini movement renews call for peaceful fight against corrupt Al Khalifah regime

Young journalists club

News ID: 50606
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:51 - 15 February 2021
Monday, 15 February 2021_Marking the tenth anniversary of the popular Bahraini uprising against the ruling Al Khalifah family, the country’s main opposition group has called for a vigorous commitment to the fight against the ruling monarchy.

Bahraini movement renews call for peaceful fight against corrupt Al Khalifah regimeIn a statement on the occasion, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said the goals of the Bahraini people’s movement are derived from Islamic principles, framed by national standards, endorsed by universal values and ideals, stressed by the divine religions, and supported by all international laws and covenants.

“The adopted path by the Bahraini people in their peaceful movement is consistent with human values, reason and instinct,” the statement read.

It underlined the Bahraini people’s defiance against tyranny and the state’s machine of oppression and violence, saying their firm demand would not be weakened despite the costs imposed on them by the Manama regime.

1) The Bahraini people's movement’s goals are sublime, stemming from its Islamic principles, framed by national standards, endorsed by universal values and ideals, stressed by the divine religions, and supported by all international laws and covenants.

— Alwefaq Society (@ALWEFAQ) February 14, 2021

The popular uprising in Bahrain began in mid-February 2011, with recurring protests throughout the years demanding that the ruling Al Khalifah family relinquish power.

In response, the regime has brutally suppressed dissent, and arrested, injured and killed thousands of people in the tiny Persian Gulf country. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have also helped the Manama regime in its ruthless crackdown.

Meanwhile, the Bahraini people have avoided resorting to violence in response to the regime’s oppression.

“[The Bahraini] people, undeniably, possess a spirit of determination to continue the peaceful movement,” al-Wefaq noted. “This movement has never approved division, destruction or chaos.”

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