Mitch McConnell to Vote to Acquit Trump in Impeachment Trial

Young journalists club

News ID: 50581
Publish Date: 20:08 - 13 February 2021
Saturday, 13 February 2021 (YJC)_Top Republican Mitch McConnell Reportedly Set to Vote to Acquit Trump in Impeachment Trial.

Mitch McConnell to Vote to Acquit Trump in Impeachment TrialSenate Minority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell is planning to vote to acquit Trump at the end of the impeachment trial, Reuters and AP reported, separately citing anonymous sources. He reportedly informed his GOP colleagues of this decision.

The Republican reportedly explained his stance in a letter to fellow Republicans stressing that, in his opinion, impeachment is a "tool primarily of removal" and hence the Senate "therefore lack[s] jurisdiction". At the same time, McConnell called the upcoming vote a "close call".

The report comes as the final vote, which will determine whether Trump is convicted or acquitted, draws near. If neither party decides to call or subpoena witnesses, the Democrats and Trump's defence will have two hours each to deliver their final statements on the case. After that, the Senators will commence voting, which could come as early as today.

The Democrats need to win the votes of 17 Republicans in order to convict Trump of inciting insurrection on 6 January in the Capitol. So far, only six GOP Senators have sided with them throughout the second impeachment.


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