The survey, conducted by CBS News/YouGov, has 20 percent of Americans saying that the size of the spending is too much, while 39 percent said they thought it was about the right amount.
Across political party lines, the poll has most Republicans saying that the stimulus package was too much, while nearly half of all Democrats surveyed said that it was not enough.
According to the poll, 38 percent of Republican respondents said the $1.9 trillion relief package was too much, 27 percent said it was not enough, and 34 percent said it was the right amount.
Comparatively, among respondents who identified as Democrats, only 6 percent said it was too much, 45 percent said it was not enough, and 48 percent said it was about right.
The poll's findings come as Democrats are trying get the $1.9 trillion bill approved and sent to President Joe Biden's desk.
On Monday, Democrats released a draft proposal on eligibility requirements for another round of stimulus checks. Their proposal would send $1,400 checks to those with incomes below $75,000, while joint filers with incomes below $150,000 would receive a $2,800 check.
The Democrats' proposal signaled that they will not seek GOP support for the package, as they rejected eligibility limits proposed by Republicans. Those limits reduce the direct payments to $1,000 for individuals with an income below $40,000 and joint filers with an income under $80,000.
With a simple majority vote, Democrats can pass the relief package in the House without any Republican support through a process called budget reconciliation. Despite this strategy, the CBS News/YouGov poll has a majority of Americans saying that bipartisan support in passing the legislation is important.