Italy’s Government on Verge of Collapse

Young journalists club

News ID: 50196
Publish Date: 23:33 - 13 January 2021
Wednesday, 13 January 2021 (YJC)_ After Renzi’s Party Quits, Italy’s Government is on Verge of Collapse.

Italy’s Government on Verge of CollapseItaly’s government led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte risks collapsing in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic after a junior coalition partner pulled out.

Former Premier Matteo Renzi said his Italy Alive party is quitting the coalition, attacking Conte for failing to do enough to tackle the country’s problems. Though the party is tiny, Conte relies on it to maintain his majority in parliament.

Renzi’s decision creates a full-blown government crisis with no clear solution in sight. Possible outcomes include another Conte government, a new premier or even snap elections.

Pulling out at a such a crucial moment for the country amounts to “an act of courage,” Renzi said at a news conference in Rome. Conte’s government has not done enough to resolve problems from education to infrastructure, as well as the virus, the ex-premier said.

“We are not playing,” Renzi said, addressing critics who’ve accused his party of political posturing during weeks of build-up to the current crisis. “Democracy is not a reality show.”

Source: Bloomberg

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