Zarif: Nuclear Deal is not Renegotiable

Young journalists club

News ID: 50176
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:54 - 12 January 2021
Tuesday, 12 January 2021(YJC)_Iranian Foreign Minister said the country is not to renegotiate on terms of JCPOA.

Zarif: Nuclear Deal is not RenegotiableIn his remarks on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said the country is not to renegotiate on terms of JCPOA.

“Economic advantage for Iran is the only way US can have useful participation in JCPOA” he said while adding that “the US and UK must be aware that Iran will not renegotiate on terms of the Nuclear Deal.”

While noting that “after the US withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal, Washington reimposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic” he said “returning to JCPOA is not enough under these circumstances and the move must bring economic benefit for Iran.”

“Lifting sanctions is the priority for the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Iranian officials. After that, the issue of US return to the Nuclear Deal will be considered,” Zarif noted.

He, moreover, highlighted the importance of the fact that “the US and Europe must take practical steps to normalize Iran's economic relations with the world.”

He went on to pinpoint the fact that “the US and Europe did not fulfill their commitment regarding the JCPOA; therefore, the Islamic Republic reduced its obligations under the deal by initiating uranium enrichment up to 20 percent.”

According to Zarif “there is no permission for JCPOA signatories to add new conditions for lifting sanctions and Iran’s missile program is not related to the Nuclear Deal.”

“Europeans and Americans should be aware of the fact that we will not renegotiate what we once agreed on,” Zarif underlined.

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