Electoral college picks Biden amid protests and threats

Young journalists club

News ID: 49783
Publish Date: 17:58 - 15 December 2020
Tuesday, 15 December 2020_The United States doesn’t elect their leader by a popular vote but by an Electoral College, and that group has just chosen Democrat Joe Biden to be the president-elect of the United States.

Electoral college picks Biden amid protests and threatsBiden was selected amid bitter, unfinished but as-yet unproven accusations of massive electoral fraud. Polls consistently show that around 35% of the country believes Biden won due to voter fraud, and the challenges to the nation’s electoral integrity seem certain to continue until January 6th, when Congress officially counts the electoral votes.

It now seems unlikely that incumbent Donald Trump can reverse Biden’s projected win, and many wonder if Republicans in this gun-filled nation will take to the streets in protest. For months domestic media stoked fears that a lot of right-wing violence will occur should Trump lose. 

However, it’s hard to predict what will occur after such virulent accusations of fraud and the long-term demonisation of Trump supporters, who did prevail at every election level except the presidential. Protests at electoral college meeting places were held in multiple states, and the Michigan State Capitol was closed because local police said “credible threats of violence” had been made. 

A majority of Democrats never accepted Trump’s win as legitimate and now it seems that a majority of Republicans seem opposed to the Electoral College’s election of Biden. That makes for a worrying pattern, but the main concern right now is: will there be significant election-related violence get? 

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