Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Trump's Appeal to Overturn Biden Win

Young journalists club

News ID: 49748
Publish Date: 23:03 - 12 December 2020
Saturday, 12 December 2020(YJC) _A federal judge in Wisconsin Rejects Trump's Appeal to Overturn Biden Win.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Trump's Appeal to Overturn Biden WinA federal judge in Milwaukee has rejected the Trump campaign’s suit to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's presidential victory in Wisconsin.

In the ruling, the judge repeatedly called the lawsuit "extraordinary".

Wisconsin has certified Democrat Joe Biden as the winner, securing a 0.7 percent lead over Trump in the state and its 10 Electoral College votes. Back in 2016, Trump narrowly won the state.

On Wednesday, US Supreme Court rejected Texas lawsuit, filed by the state's Attorney General Ken Paxton, which sought to override Biden's victory in four battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Source: Sputnik

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