‘Smooth, seamless’ transition into Biden administration, vows Trump envoy in NATO

Young journalists club

News ID: 49541
Publish Date: 9:33 - 01 December 2020
Tuesday, 01 December 2020_US ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison has spoken of a “smooth” and “seamless” transition into the administration of President-elect Joe Biden despite President Donald Trump's refusal to concede defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

‘Smooth, seamless’ transition into Biden administration, vows Trump envoy in NATO“We are going to have a smooth transition so they have all the information they need to determine what the policy is,” she said Monday. “I think there will be a seamless transition.”

During his tenure, President Trump has pressured US allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, blaming them for not paying their “fair share.”

“President-elect Biden certainly is pro-NATO,” Hutchison said. “I served with him in the United States Senate and I know he is very much a multi-lateral organization supporter. We like to have allies. He likes to have allies. And I think that is ongoing from this administration to the next administration.”

She further suggested that Biden has the option to overturn the anti-NATO position Trump has adopted.

“Options are left open for the incoming administration in January,” Hutchison said. “The way that this has been put forward does leave the decisions for the next administration to determine what is in their best interests and in the interests of the United States, of course.”

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