Power politics - The Islamic Republic of Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 49430
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:31 - 25 November 2020
Wednesday, 25 November 2020 _Power politics in West Asia is a central issue in debates on the future of the region after decades and decades of wars imposed and conflicts elicited by the hegemonic powers of the post-Second World War era. To expand their domination, imperial dominions of the late Nineteenth Century reformed the structure of the region in a way that shaped foreign policies and international relations of its comprising states for at least the next 100 years.

Power politics - The Islamic Republic of IranIn this regard, the 1916 secret treaty of Sykes-Picot to impose imperial, colonial borders and split the Levant, transforming systemic variables or the balance of power is of greater importance among others. Later, with the end of the Second World War and consolidation of the United States as one of the dominant forces of the then-bipolar system, as well as the establishment of the Zionist regime, actors changed, but the structure remained the same. Zionism, USSR-US hostilities, debt crises of Arab nations, and Western neo‐imperialist neo-liberal solutions to maintain the status quo, and last but not least, oil price fluctuations — and subsequent “protectionist” measures of economically-inflicted allies (infiltration) — all implied that the force of decolonization had no chance of winning the battle for outright independence.

In February 1979, the Iranian Revolution put an end to capitulation. It was only half a century ago that almost 50 percent of its population had perished by the British imperialism. Neither in the following years of Saddam’s invasion, despite pouring arms into Ba’athist Iraq, not to mention chemical weapons, nor ever after that could any of the superpowers manage to impose its predicaments on the Islamic Republic. Iran, through sheer force of will and faith, had defeated imperialism once and for all. It is true that in the fight against dominant tendencies of the world, the Revolution had to lead a resistant lifestyle and forge the armor to withstand the financial and emotional toll. Yet it having changed the balance of power, new opportunities were opening for the other oppressed nations to break the chains.

The Islamic Revolution’s resistance power managed to weaken the US’s strategic position in the region. In the meantime, Western imperialism, at the highest level of capitalism, could find no other means except war to reshape the world and to re-establish its dominance of monopolies and finance capital. The real face of the West — deeply rooted in its ideological fanaticism — as well as its imperialist antagonism against nations’ independence and dignity, then, was revealed to the people of the region. They had realized there is no more destructive force on this earth than this tight alliance of nations loosely centralized around the United States, while millions were killed and dozens of millions more displaced. Without restraint and having liberal imperialism hardwired into their DNA, by invading five countries within twenty years, the US and its western allies turned into a Crusader state, and hence, inevitably fell prey to an overstretch of their own hegemonic power. The Axis of Resistance founded itself to mark the beginning of the end.

In Iraq and Syria, liberated from the terrors of ISIS, which only could justify the western occupation and influence, contradictory to what the Western propaganda machinery is willing to convey, not only political, defense, and economic cooperations are at their highest levels, but also people ideologically have become one against terrorism, on the one hand, and imperialism, on the other.

In Yemen as well, the US-backed Saudi oppressor, despite its arms deal with the United States, which has been the largest in history, its bombardment of civilians on a daily basis, and its inhuman siege through which more than 20 million are being starved, is losing territory to Yemeni freedom fighters.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah alone has eroded offensive intents of the Zionist regime, and units are becoming more and more determined to push back the terrorist occupation forces from the occupied territories of Syria and Lebanon.


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