Tehran, YJC. A new recent survey shows the number of young Iranian women admitted to universities has been constantly on the rise in recent years.

According to the report prepared by the Iranian Judiciary’s
High Council of Human Rights, the Islamic Republic has pursued broad-based
policies and approaches with the goal of enhancing access to higher education
for people from all walks of life, especially women, Press TV reports.
The Iranian government’s policies have been aimed at
promoting scientific education in universities and boosting the general
knowledge of the Iranian people, the report said, adding that that Iranian
centers for higher education in both public and private sectors have provided
great opportunities for women to have access to postgraduate studies at all
The literacy rate of women aged 15-24 has been increased
from 97.1 percent in 2009-2010 to 97.7 percent in 2011-2012, while the figure
for female students in state universities showed a 56-percent growth over the
same period.
Out of 1.176 million people registered for higher education
in the Iranian academic year of 2012-2013, women accounted for 522,248 (44.38
percent) while men’s share stood at 654,593 (55.62 percent).
In the same academic year, a total of 4.367 million were
admitted to various institutions to continue higher education studies about
half of whom were women.
Figures provided by the report also showed that 716,096
people completed their postgraduate studies in the Iranian academic year of
2012-2013, which included 326,753 women.
The number of female university students also increased by
almost twofold from 1,231,035 in the Iranian academic year of 2005-2006 to
2,106,639 in 2012-2013.
It is worth mentioning that there were more female
university students during the academic years of 2005-2006 and 2009-2010 in
comparison with male students.