Belarus tells US will repel 'external threats' with Russia's help

Young journalists club

News ID: 48910
Publish Date: 13:31 - 25 October 2020
Sunday, 25 October 2020_Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has warned the United States that his government is prepared, with the help of its ally Russia, to repel any external threat against the county’s security.

Belarus tells US will repel 'external threats' with Russia's helpLukashenko made the remarks in a phone call with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday, ahead of a country-wide strike that could begin on Monday following calls from the US-backed opposition. 

Pompeo traveled to Belarus in February in a bid to “normalize” ties with Minsk, saying at the time that Washington was aware of Belarus’ long history with Russia. "It’s not about picking us between the two. We want to be here,” he said of the aim of his visit.  

Lukashenko, however, said, "By mutual opinion, after Pompeo’s February visit to Minsk, the situation has changed dramatically, new challenges have arisen and are emerging.” 

“Russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of Belarus. At the same time, the countries are ready to jointly respond to emerging external threats,” he added.

A US State Department spokesperson confirmed Pompeo’s call on Saturday, saying he “reaffirmed US support for the democratic aspirations of the people of Belarus.”

“The Secretary called for the full release and immediate departure from Belarus of wrongfully detained US citizen Vitali Shkliarov,” said the spokesman.

Shkliarov was detained in July after being charged with organizing actions violating public order in Belarus.

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