Dems censure Trump for nominating judge to US Supreme Court

Young journalists club

News ID: 48296
Publish Date: 8:47 - 27 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020_US Democratic leaders have decried President Donald Trump and the GOP for trying to install a judge to the Supreme Court in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

Dems censure Trump for nominating judge to US Supreme Court“The American people know the US Supreme Court decisions affect their everyday lives,” said Democratic nominee Joe Biden in a statement. “The United States Constitution was designed to give the voters one chance to have their voice heard on who serves on the Court.”

He made the comments after the president went ahead with his plan to nominate Amy Coney Barrett for the Republican-held Senate to confirm her before the November 3 election.

“That moment is now and their voice should be heard. The Senate should not act on this vacancy until after the American people select their next president and the next Congress,” Biden said, describing Barrett as having a “written track record of disagreeing with the US Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Affordable Care Act.”

House speaker Nancy Pelosi also slammed the decision, warning over the fate of the Obamacare.

“For four years, President Trump has tried to crush the Affordable Care Act in the Congress and the Courts,” Pelosi said in a statement.“This nomination threatens the destruction of life-saving protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions together with every other benefit and protection of the Affordable Care Act.”

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