Tehran, YJC. The ancient monument of Pasargadae as the earliest capital of the Achaemenid (First Persian) Empire manifests the glorious civilization of the nation.
Located near the Iranian historical city of Shiraz, the
place was not only the capital of its founder Cyrus the Great (559–530 BC) but
later became his last resting place.
The first capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Pasargadae lies
in ruins 43 kilometers from Persepolis, in Fars province, southwestern
The structure was unfinished when Cyrus died in a battle.
The location is currently considered as one of Iran’s most remarkable
archaeological site which covers 1.6 square kilometers.
Pasargadae stands as an exceptional witness to the
Achaemenid civilization. The vast Achaemenid Empire, which extended from the
eastern Mediterranean and Egypt to the Hindus River in India, is considered the
first empire to be characterized by a respect for the cultural diversity of its
The most important monument in Pasargadae is the
mausoleum of Cyrus the Great.
Pasargadae represents the first phase of this development
into a specifically Persian architecture which later found its full expression
in the city of Persepolis.
Archaeologists have recently unveiled that Pasargadae site
was granted with unique structural
engineering as Achaemenid engineers built the city to withstand a severe
earthquake, what would today be classified as 7.0 on the Richter magnitude

Pasargadae was first archaeologically explored by the German
archaeologist Ernst Herzfeld in 1905.
In 1928, Herzfeld along with his assistant Friedrich Krefter
did one excavation season.
After Herzfeld, Sir Aurel Stein completed a site plan for
Pasargadae in 1934. Later, in 1935, Erich F. Schmidt produced a series of
aerial photographs of the entire complex.
In 1930, the Brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira published a poem
called "Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada (I will go away to Pasargadae)"
in a book titled Libertinagem.
In the book, Pasargadae is described as a utopian city. This
poem has become one of the Portuguese language´s classics.
Pasargadae was registered with UNESCO's World Heritage list
in 2004.
Press TV