Germany to take in 1,500 more Lesbos island migrants

Young journalists club

News ID: 48028
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:37 - 17 September 2020
Thursday, 17 September 2020_On the Island of Lesbos, crowds of hungry people waiting for food to be delivered by aid-workers has become part of life in Lesbos.

Germany to take in 1,500 more Lesbos island migrantsSince the Moria camp burned down migrants have been camping out on the streets. They return to the roadside for a simple but desperately needed meal. And soon it’ll be time to start queuing for the next. 

Arial footage shows a new shelter built by the Greek army a former military shooting range on Lesbos…tents for the thousands left homeless. Hundreds have already been resettled in sites like this, but others fear moving to the new camps will just perpetuate their misery. 

Meanwhile, frustration is increasing among Lesbos locals who’ve played host to thousands of migrants for years. 

Protesters have been demanding to be allowed to leave Lesbos. Nearly 400 unaccompanied children have already left for Europe, mainly to France and Germany. These women are appealing to Germany to take them off the island too. And it appears their calls have been heard.

A small number compared to the thousands more who will remain in Greece. But Berlin doesn’t want to go it alone. And is calling other EU countries to step up to the plate and accept some of these migrants: 

Living on Lesbos Island has become unbearable for these people who say they’ve had enough of living in migrants camps and of being stuck in limbo. 

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