Senior Iranian official: UAE, Bahrain to pay price for 'humiliating' normalization deals

Young journalists club

News ID: 48014
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:24 - 16 September 2020
Wednesday, 16 September 2020_A top Iranian official has warned the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain that they will pay the price for their "humiliating" move to normalize relations with Israel.

Senior Iranian official: UAE, Bahrain to pay price for 'humiliating' normalization dealsAli Akbar Velayati made the remark at the 13th meeting of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening held via video conference on Wednesday and attended by participants from some 50 Muslim countries.

The conference was held to discuss the recent normalization of ties between Israel and the two Arab states.

Velayati condemned the normalization of relations between certain Arab countries and the Zionist regime as "a malicious scheme" and "a prelude to the full implementation of the 'deal of the century' and a publicity stunt."

"Instead of relying on divine promises, the unity of word, the will of the people and the unparalleled capacities of the Islamic world, some Persian Gulf vassal states have pinned their hopes on nothing and built a house of cards so that they should pay the price for and suffer the consequences of this humiliating compromise and normalization from their countries' national and spiritual assets," Velayati added.

Velayati described the Palestinian issue as the top priority of the Muslim world over the past seven decades, and said

"The [so-called] deal of the century, as a complementary measure to compromise moves, removed the mask of hypocrisy from the arrogant face of those seeking and advocating compromise] with the Israeli regime, he added.

He said that enemies of the Islamic resistance in the region and on the international scene have, in recent decades, planned and implemented various scenarios in order to shield their arrogant and exploitative interests."  

He added that the enemies have been making efforts over the last 70 years to gradually wipe out Palestine from the map of the region and to replace it with the fake occupying regime of Israel, stressing that the global arrogance hatches various conspiracies and plots in a bid to remove this pivotal issue off top priorities of the Islamic world.

He pointed to several rounds of so-called peace talks to resolve the Palestinian issue and said not only the negotiations failed to achieve anything for the oppressed people of Palestine, but they also resulted in excessive demands by Israel, its continued settlement construction activities, and more concessions in favor of the Tel Aviv regime.

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