Zarif to Trump: No such thing as good war, bad war

Young journalists club

News ID: 47880
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:41 - 11 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020_Iran’s foreign minister faults US President Donald Trump’s apparent differentiation between favorable and unfavorable warfare, denouncing all instances of aggressive military intervention and Washington’s warring and warmongering in the Middle East region.

Zarif to Trump: No such thing as good war, bad warMohammad Javad Zarif’s remarks came in a Thursday tweet posted in reaction to an earlier press conference at the White House.

During the presser, Trump bashed his election rival Joe Biden over sending US “youth to fight in these crazy endless wars” in the Middle East in his capacity as former US president Barack Obama’s vice president. Trump also lashed out at the Pentagon’s top brass for seeking wars to enrich “those wonderful [weapon-making] companies.”

“We get it. He (Trump) thinks cold war is good for business while hot war is not,” Zarif derisively said, adding, “War is bad, period.”

The top Iranian diplomat also pointed out the contradiction between Trump’s acknowledging “the US thirst for war to fill the coffers of ‘those wonderful companies” and the US president’s “flogging their ‘beautiful military equipment’ to our region.”

While @realDonaldTrump admits the US thirst for war to fill the coffers of “those wonderful companies”,
he's been busy flogging their "beautiful military equipment" to our region.

We get it. He thinks cold war is good for business while hot war is not.

War is bad, period.

— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) September 10, 2020

Trump and Biden are respectively the Republican and Democratic nominees for the US presidential elections that is slated to take place in November.

The current American chief executive has been harping on about seeking to end around two decades of US military intervention in the Middle East and Central Asia. His tenure has, however, seen him blowing hot and cold on the promise as well as clinching huge new weapons deals between Washington and its regional allies.

zarif ، war ، trump
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